February Boots 2 Boardroom - The Competitive Advantage of Gender Diversity and Inclusion


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With today's increase in focus on ESG, what role can go-getter OHS Professionals play in their company's gender diversity and inclusion practises?
With an aim to increase women's representation from boots on the ground right up to the boardroom, it's high time we talk D&I with an expert.
Author of Lead the Change and Founder of the Centre for Social Intelligence, Kelly Cooper joins our group to arm us with language and practical tools to frame our D&I value proposition, how to make use of corporate social intelligence, how to be the change, make the change, and leverage the change.
Host and west coast champ Jodi is thrilled to have Ms. Cooper backing our WOHSS community with her expertise.
Time: 2PM - 3:15PM pacific time zone!


02:00 pm to 03:15 pm

Price: Free

OHS Resume Building Webinar


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Sending out resumes and not getting any responses? Your resume is your ticket to getting your foot in the door for your next opportunity. Join HSE Talent Consultant, Kelly Leong for this interactive webinar where you will learn about common resume mistakes, strategies for showcasing your industry experience and how to create a standout resume for today's job market.


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

January Boots 2 Boardroom


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Now that the CSA Report on Canadian Women and PPE has been released, what does our WOHSS community think we can do to start changing the PPE story for future generations of young women in Canada?
This session, led by West Coast Champ Jodi Huettner, is a mastermind for the WOHSS community members to discuss: the role of the enforcement community, strategies for bringing about meaningful change and adoption of Inclusive PPE Standards, anticipated blowback from industry and more.
Recommended reading: https://www.csagroup.org/article/research/canadian-womens-experiences-with-personal-protective-equipment-in-the-workplace/ download the free pdf at that link!


02:00 pm to 03:15 pm

Price: Free

Laughter Yoga (French)


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🌟Rejoignez-nous pour une séance de yoga du rire avec Marylene Provost ! 🌟
Êtes-vous prêt à faire l'expérience du pouvoir joyeux et rajeunissant du rire ? Le yoga du rire est une pratique unique qui combine des exercices de rire avec la respiration du yoga, ce qui vous permet de vous sentir plus heureux et plus détendu. Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer un événement spécial avec Marylene Provost, coach certifiée, animatrice certifiée de yoga du rire et consultante en SST !

🎉 À propos de Marylene Provost 🎉
Marylene est une experte dans l'art du yoga du rire et a une riche expérience à partager. Son rire contagieux et son énergie positive vous laisseront un sentiment de bien-être. En tant qu'animatrice agréée de yoga du rire, elle sait comment créer un espace amusant et bienveillant pour que tout le monde se joigne à elle et expérimente les nombreux bienfaits du rire.

🤣 À quoi s'attendre ? 🤣
Des exercices de rire qui favorisent la joie et le bien-être.
Des techniques de respiration guidée pour favoriser la relaxation.
Une atmosphère positive et stimulante.
Des occasions de se connecter avec d'autres et de partager des rires.

💃 Qui peut participer ? 💃
Le yoga du rire convient aux personnes de tous âges et de toutes conditions physiques. Que vous cherchiez à réduire le stress, à améliorer votre humeur ou simplement à passer un bon moment, cet événement est fait pour vous ! Aucune expérience préalable en matière de yoga ou de rire n'est nécessaire. Il suffit d'avoir le cœur ouvert et l'envie de rire.

Répandons le bonheur, un rire à la fois ! Au plaisir de vous y voir ! 😄🤗🌞


05:30 pm to 06:00 pm

Price: $10

Member Price: $0

Coffee Connection in French / Café connexion en français


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Savez-vous que WOHSS offre des services bilingues anglais et français ? Venez-vous joindre à nous pour cette rencontre de réseautage en toute simplicité dans la langue française.


07:15 pm to 08:00 pm

Price: Free

November Boots 2 Boardroom - Maintaining Career Momentum


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As the goal of our Boots 2 Boardroom is increasing women’s representation in OHS roles, this session is dedicated to uncovering behind-the-scenes intel to help you maintain your upward career momentum.
Our session expert, Director of Mine Waste Canada at WSP-Golder Julia Steele, was a partner at Golder prior to the company being bought by WSP. She is currently a leader in her field, and is also a fierce advocate for increasing women’s representation in her industry. Julia’s experience: managing teams, conducting interviews, determining bonuses, performing annual reviews and more could fill a book, and sheds a LOT of light onto the key behaviours that people with upward career momentum share. Her experience is relevant across industries, and we are delighted to have her as a resource for our group.


04:00 pm to 05:15 pm

Price: Free

November Safety Starters


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This WOHSS event is for any new or student WOHSS member who would like to connect with other safety professionals/students. It is an informal event, here to support each other and to bring the diverse health & safety backgrounds we have in our profession together to discuss any questions or concerns. This event will be lead by our New/Student Champion – Claire Kisen Seo


06:00 pm to 07:00 pm

Price: Free

WOHSS Speed Mentoring


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We are excited to announce, we are hosting our third speed mentoring session! 

We invite you to participate and get the chance to gain insight and knowledge from our WOHSS Mentors.  To apply you must be an active WOHSS member.  For the full line up check out our website: www.wohss.com/mentorship closer to the event date.

You will be able to have insightful conversations with 8 WOHSS Mentors, you do not need to be in a current mentoring relationship to join us here! We are aiming to bring you an opportunity for high-level professional development and growth in a completely confidential environment.

There are only 8 spots available so sign up now!


10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Price: Free

Atlantic Coffee Connection - November


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Calling all Atlantic Canadian Women in OHS! Join us to discuss and connect virtually over coffee. During this coffee connection you will have the opportunity to hear other OHS professionals career journeys, ask questions and even share your own successes and challenges (only if you want to). Hosted by Atlantic Champions Committee: Jackie Norman, Jennifer Schnare, and Stacey Maguire.


07:00 am to 08:00 am

Price: Free

October Boots 2 Boardroom - Boundary Setting and Self-Care for the Holidays


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Ahead of the ramp-up to the holiday season, let’s take this session to come together and stockpile our practical tools for self care, with a focus on boundary-setting applicable both at home and on-the-job. I am thrilled to have professional coach Lara Gregory joining us as topic expert, she employs somatic counselling, which simply put is an embodied approach to therapy. I have enjoyed success with Lara’s coaching methods and practises after feeling like traditional counselling really wasn’t working for me, and am really excited to share Lara with you all at our virtual table. She will be showing us tools and somatic practises we can use right away, including the wheel of consent, which truly changed the way I approach making decisions and setting boundaries. This session is a MUST HAVE for your mental health tool belt.


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)


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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG): as requested by the B2B group, it’s high time we talk ESG! Although we have yet to secure our expert(s) for this session, we plan on covering:
What is ESG? What role do OHS professionals play in ESG? What reporting is involved? Is ESG reporting mandatory in Canada? What about ESG certification in Canada? What’s an ESG score? Why does it matter and what does your company's ESG score really say about your company?


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

September Safety Starters


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This WOHSS event is for any new or student WOHSS member who would like to connect with other safety professionals/students. It is an informal event, here to support each other and to bring the diverse health & safety backgrounds we have in our profession together to discuss any questions or concerns. This event will be lead by our New/Student Champion – Claire Kisen Seo


06:00 pm to 07:00 pm

Price: Free

Atlantic Coffee Connection - September


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Calling all Atlantic Canadian Women in OHS! Join us to discuss and connect virtually over coffee. During this coffee connection you will have the opportunity to hear other OHS professionals career journeys, ask questions and even share your own successes and challenges (only if you want to). Hosted by Atlantic Champions Committee: Jackie Norman, Jennifer Schnare, and Stacey Maguire.


07:00 am to 08:00 am

Price: Free

Coffee Connection in French / Café connexion en français


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Savez-vous que WOHSS offre des services bilingues anglais et français ? Venez-vous joindre à nous pour cette rencontre de connexion dans la langue française. Des astuces sur la respiration seront partagées.


07:15 pm to 08:00 pm

Price: Free

Boots to Boardroom - August


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Be More Than a Bystander - BCCWITT's Executive Director Karen Dearlove will be talking to our group about the Be More Than a Bystander program, which empowers women and allies in the workplace with practical tools to stand up against violence, harassment and bullying.
Bullying and harassment has come up a number of times within our group as a real boots-on-the-ground sticking point - prevalent across industries and at every level. Karen will talk to our group not only about the program itself, but about how to get your C-suite's buy-in and meaningful adoption on site. Here's a golden opportunity to positively shift your workplace vibe, and help to create a safer more welcoming experience for everybody!


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

Boots to Boardroom - July


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Women and PPE - How BC’s Trailblazing for PPE & Fit
WOHSS West Coast Champ Jodi Huettner will update our community on her progress towards inclusive PPE standards. Over the past year Jodi has taken the fight to CSA, precipitating a literary review and cross Canada survey, and on to our Minister of Labour Hon. Harry Bains, as well as the President of WCB (WorksafeBC), Don Schouten. Hear where the conversation is at right NOW, and get a chance to weigh in on the role our WOHSS community might take going forward.


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

June's Podcast Discussion - Psychological H&S


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Psychological Health and Safety Podcast Club - This WOHSS event is for anyone who has an interest in psychological health and safety. This will be the first podcast event however we'd like to make this a regular event. Here's the deets: a podcast will be chosen for participants to listen to in advance. At the event we’ll discuss some concepts from the podcast and how it has been applied (or could apply) to your workplace, and challenges you have faced related to the concepts. Hosted by our WOHSS Podcast Champion Jennifer Ruszkowski.

Here is our first podcast (June event):


02:00 pm to 03:00 pm

Price: Free

Mentorship Workshop


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This session will highlight the important characteristics of both the mentor and mentee and how these characteristics must evolve over time to compliment the different phases of the mentoring relationship. It is critical that these phases are properly aligned to ensure success.
Additional emphasis is placed on the importance of strengthening the formality of the mentoring relationship. To find out why, sign up below!


Daniel G. Hopwood, M.P.H., CSP, SMS, ARM, is a vice president and regional risk control leader for Sompo International Insurance. With 42 years of professional safety and risk management experience, he has worked in the insurance industry, served as a director of safety and risk management, and taught various undergraduate and graduate safety classes for more than 25 years. A 43-year member of ASSP, Hopwood has long been engaged in Society activities including serving as a chapter president, regional vice president and various committees, such as the Leadership Conference Planning Committee. He is a professional member of ASSP’s San Diego Chapter and a member of the Society’s Risk Management Practice Specialty.

Wyatt Bradbury, M.Eng., CSP, CHST, CIT, serves as an HSE advisor for Hitachi Rail and as an adjunct professor at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He has experience in aquatic and recreation risk management, electrical construction, powerline safety, rail safety and safety consulting. Bradbury holds a Master of Engineering in Advanced Safety Engineering and Management from the University of Alabama at Birmingham and is pursuing a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. He is a professional member and past president of ASSP’s National Capital Chapter and a member of the Society’s Emerging Professionals in OSH Common Interest Group.


12:00 pm to 01:30 pm

Price: $25

Boots to Boardroom - May


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We have a special Boots 2 Boardroom Monthly Happy Hour session coming up on Friday May 27th. Have you ever thought about taking your CRSP certification? From Part 1 of our Safety Certification series, women in our WOHSS community chose to certify because:
• it keeps an upward momentum in your career track
• it broadens your understanding in OHS
• it opens the door to new jobs
• you can take on more responsibilities
• it helps you stay relevant
• it looks great on your resume
• it keeps you ready for opportunities for a career move
• it’s interesting, and a challenge
• OHS is trending towards to a self-governing profession, so it may soon be a need-to-have

We have heard that the application process itself can be a barrier because it’s pretty daunting. Well we are here to help! In this session we will get you SET UP with the info you need to start pulling together your applications. Even if you are NOT sure you’ll be certifying, it never hurts to at know what you should be collecting along your OHS journey to make things easy for yourself should the opportunity for CRSP certification suddenly arise. This session is all about helping each other LEVEL UP!


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

May Safety Starters


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This WOHSS event is for any new or student WOHSS member who would like to connect with other safety professionals/students. It is an informal event, here to support each other and to bring the diverse health & safety backgrounds we have in our profession together to discuss any questions or concerns. This event will be lead by our New/Student Champion – Claire Kisen Seo


06:00 pm to 07:00 pm

Price: Free

WOHSS Speed Mentoring


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We are excited to announce, we are hosting our second speed mentoring session! 

We invite you to participate and get the chance to gain insight and knowledge from our WOHSS Mentors.  To apply you must be an active WOHSS member.  For the full line up check out our website: www.wohss.com/mentorship closer to the event date.

You will be able to have insightful conversations with 8 WOHSS Mentors, you do not need to be in a current mentoring relationship to join us here! We are aiming to bring you an opportunity for high-level professional development and growth in a completely confidential environment.

There are only 8 spots available so sign up now!


10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Price: Free

Boots to Boardroom - April


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Safety Systems Software PART 2: CASE STUDY - our WOHSS Champs Director, Leigh-Ann Stewart, will present a safety management system EHSVelocity to the group, giving her tips and warnings from 8 years of hands-on experience with this software tool. Bring your questions, and let’s have another great Friday night session together.


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free

WOHSS Annual General Meeting


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Join WOHSS for our Virtual 2022 Annual General Meeting to hear about what we did in 2021, and to discuss our plans for the future. During the AGM we will also be voting on the slate of candidates to the Board of Directors. We will also be joined by our guest speaker, Dr. Karen Messing, who will be talking about "Shame, Solidarity and Women's Bodies at Work
Registration is free of charge for current WOHSS


08:00 am to 10:00 am

Price: Free

April Atlantic Coffee Connection


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Calling all Atlantic Canadian Women in OHS! Join us virtually for a casual Coffee Connection. During this session we will be asking you for your thoughts on the following questions:

- How did you get into the H&S Field?
- What has been the most challenging for you, how did you overcome it?
- What has been the best thing about your career?
- Any advice you have for new or struggling OHS professionals?

Of course you can participate as much or as little as you like. Come and raise your virtual hand to speak or come and listen while sipping your coffee, no pressure.

The session will be facilitated by our Atlantic Champions Committee: Jackie Norman, President and CEO Safety Services Nova Scotia and Jennifer Schnare, Director, Awareness & Outreach Labour, Skills & Immigration - Safety Branch.


07:00 am to 08:00 am

Price: Free

Boots to Boardroom - March


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It’s International Women’s Month - let’s celebrate US, with joy and pride. So bring your favourite story of supporting another woman in OHS, or a book recommendation that pushed you through a professional barrier, or a podcast or episode that gave you an ‘ahHA’ moment to share. We are women supporting women in the OHS profession, let’s show up for each other and have some fun revelling in our community.. Hosted by our West Coast Champ Jodi Huettner.


04:00 pm to 05:00 pm

Price: Free